
VTskills. The AGRERI team has completed the interviews

VTskills. The AGRERI team has completed the interviews

Exciting News! We’re proud to share that the AGRERI team has completed the interviews with VET trainers from the Vocational Education Agricultural School, specialised in Viticulture and Winemaking, located in the town of Nemea—one of the largest wine-growing zones in...

VTskills. Interviews in progress

VTskills. Interviews in progress

We are thrilled to announce the implementation of interviews in France and the other countries of the partnership with vinegrowers to validate the competencies of the VT Skills project training. This initiative aims to ensure that our training program meets the...

VTskills first newsletter. Let’s get started!

VTskills first newsletter. Let’s get started!

The first newsletter of the VTskills project has been sent. If you missed it you can read it by clicking on the link below. FIRST NEWSLETTER. LET'S GET STARTED! CLICK HERE Use the registration form at the bottom of the post to always stay informed about the activity...

VTskill project is making strides

VTskill project is making strides

Since the beginning of the project in January 2024, all the partners have started to work hard for its success. In particular, the first activities carried out were related to Work Package 2 - Professional Skills Pillar Assessment. This first phase of the project...

EIT Food Workshop. VTskills in Bilbao

EIT Food Workshop. VTskills in Bilbao

We're excited to share that the VTskill project participated in the EIT Food Partners Networking and Consortium Building Workshop in Bilbao! It was an outstanding opportunity to connect with key institutions and projects at the forefront of shaping Europe's food...

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